Thursday, May 6, 2010

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors!

Five doctors appointments in less than two weeks. Are you kidding me?! I have a physical to hopefully be able to talk to him about my weight and how I think my hip would work better if I could lose 50 more pounds (let's hope he goes for it!) and then MRI's back to back for my ankle and hip and then onto the podiatrist to find out what has happened to my foot! I have to wait until next week to add on yet another appointment to see my hip doctor and see what the arthogram is telling him. Hopefully none of this leads to any bad news or surgeries, because honestly a break from all this would be so nice. The pain in my hip is something that I think is going to need surgical attention, and that is just so frustrating. I wish there was a way to just magically make the pain go away. If I had a way to work out that didn't cause me an immense amount of stiffness and soreness the next day I would do it, but a pool just costs too much and in this economy there's no way that I would ever be able to afford one! Too bad someone wouldn't just give me one for free, like surprise me with it BOOM there's a pool in my backyard. Wishing hasn't gotten me very far as of yet, but I'll keep doing it because eventually it has to get me somewhere right? Power of suggestion anyone?? Well time to clean to get ready for the birthday party this weekend!! Wish me luck!

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