Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Feelings Good Vibes

This weekend has been so beyond hectic that I have barely been able to find time to touch the computer, so I guess it's only fair that I catch up on here! So awaaaaay we go!

Saturday: Mostly did yardwork around the front. Finally got the driveway cleaned up, mowed the pasture again (the damn foxtails are insane this year!!), next to the dogs fence and part of the back property and side property. I was going to do more but then noticed that I was basically out of gas, so it was either take it back to the garage or run out of gas and have to push that damn thing across 3 acres... and I don't know how far that really is, but definitely not something that I would do. Who pushes a riding mower??!? HaHaHa! I loved riding that thing, but it was a bad idea on this day. I ended up on it for five hours! Are you fucking kidding me? Five hours?!Five hours of vibrations and balancing on that little seat did not do much for my hip. Basically my arms, feet and left leg were numb... my right leg... well to put it nicely it hated me. Hated me all day so much! I couldn't walk for more than five minutes before my hip would say "nope, no more". So aggravating and frustrating!!

Sunday: The hubby and I went to my psuedo moms birthday party at the apartment complex. We had so much fun! Lots of good food, good company and soaking in the jacuzzi. The hip and the jacuzzi, they had a moment together and it was a beautiful moment. Little pinchy man went on vacation or something because my hip felt absolutely GLORIOUS. I wish that it could feel that way everyday. How amazing would that be?! Not to have that dull pain that you try so hard to ignore, but there's just no way because on misstep, one turn the wrong way and BOOM there's the pinch, the pain and the angry angry arthritis showing its ugly side. But ANYWAYS..... Found a dog that was so beyond adorable! Loved her. She was in the middle of the street and me being the dog lover I am there is no way that I was just going to leave her there. She was VERY small for the breed of dog she was and she was very underweight. She also was afraid of everything, including coming into the house so we are pretty sure she was beat :( so sad! We gave her a bath and some food and it was like a whole new dog!

Ok now that we are caught up let's get to today...
Woke up way too early with a very sore and stiff hip. I swear everyone complains about their arthritis or their aches and pains when it's cold or about to rain... I complain about mine when it's starting to warm up. Warm weather is the worst for me and I'm not quite sure why. I tire out sooo fast and have no energy. I'm lucky if I make it out of the house when it's hot. I try too but sometimes it's just too much with how bloated my hip feels (yes I said my hip feels bloated thank you very much). Anyways, we found a home for the dog, and she is so incredibly happy! She is with a friend of mine and she gets to run around with other dogs in a nice grassy backyard! I have too many dogs right now to bring another one into the pack. I have 4 and I can barely keep up with them, but it sure is fun to try. Other than that it was a pretty boring day which I didn't mind AT ALL. I like it when days are boring, it gives me a reprieve to the craziness that can be my life.

right now my hip is so sore and I can't seem to find a comfortable spot anywhere on this bed. I hate moments like this, because these are the times when I feel like I just want to give up. Like this shit is beating me and I don't wanna be beat by this, I don't want it to conquer me ever. There are moments though I must admit where I just want to wave the white flag, surrender, and lay on the couch and not hurt anymore....

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