Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another Day...Another Pinchy

Wow I have two days to cover. I went out to dinner last night with Rob and came home and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed!!! I did 3.45 miles on the elliptical yesterday, which I was beyond proud of. I taped paper over the mileage and time and just went until my body told me "no more!" I was really proud of myself, I think this is the way that I'm going to do the elliptical from now on. I think I obsess over the time and mileage so much that it makes me feel defeated before I have even started. I hope to be able to go a little further each time, which would be amazing. I wouldn't mind being able to make it to the five mile awesome would that be?! A girl who has an arthritic hip going five miles on the elliptical!!! A-MAZ-ING! Rob and I went to Casa de Bandini in Carlsbad last night. It was alright, the service was shitty and the place in general was incredibly too loud, I could barely hear myself think. The food was amazing, just like the food at Casa de Pico, but I guess that would make sense since it's the same owner!
I woke up this morning pretty stiff, but otherwise alright. I shaved Feathers (my horse) legs and her mane, which took way longer than expected because of how crappy the clippers were acting... but I did it and she looks AMAZING. I had to sit down most of the time because of how stiff my hip was from yesterday, luckily I trust her enough to sit at the base of a clydesdales feet and not worry about her stepping on me. I love the bond that her and I have forged over the past three years. She came to me at just the right time, just when I thought that I should give up... I was defeated by this stupid arthritis in my hip. My life was now going to have to become accustom to doctors appointments and getting fat. I never thought that an animal coming into my life could change so much. When Lexus and I found her she was in a crappy pasture with two horses who literally beat the shit out of her. They wouldn't let her near the water or food, she was 800 lbs under weight and the owner just chased her around until she was beyond exhausted to catch her. It was so sad and I knew I had to have her. She was going to be mine and she did become mine. Even though the first 12 years of her life were absolutely horrific, this humongous animal let me work with her and love her... I was able to see that no matter how bad things are they can always get better with a little love, trust and time. I thank every bit of fate, destiny and karma that brought me and that beautiful animal together. I would not have it any other way. I can't ride her, not because of my hip but because I decided to retire her to pasture, let her enjoy just being a horse because at the end of the day shouldn't they be able to do what they want when they want?! I somewhat take the same thoughts in my own life. I don't let things hold me back anymore, I go at them balls out, full throttle. How could I not? We only get to live once right?! Why not live it to the best of our capabilities.
The hip is pinchy and achy now that I am sitting on the couch, might hit the elliptical later to see if I can loosen things up. I'm hoping and praying that I will be able to loosen it up because the pinching just sucks butt. I just hope when I finally get the MRI and the arthrogram (or whatever it is) they can find a way to make this better. Even if it is a temporary fix like it was the first time, at least I had five years with very little pain and pinching, well at least compared to now. Ok, I'm exhausted!

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