Sunday, June 20, 2010

Been Busy Busy!

I have been running around for the past week or so, I'm surprised I am even finding time to blog right now, but thankful I am able too. The hip is super sore today, overworked in in the past week, but I wouldn't change it for a second. I have ridden my horse three or four times now since I bought the saddle and it feels amazing. Her and I still need to figure each other out in this new relationship we have with each other, but it's going well. I also have been walking the fair for the past two days which has been so fun, but can definitely tell how weak and off my hip is. I'm able to ignore it mostly, and I take my mobic with me so it's helpful. I have yet to stop doing it though! I can't not go to the fair, it's one of my favorite things throughout the whole year!!! One of these days I need to see how many miles I walk at the fair because I'm sure it's quite a bit, I'm sure I negate all of it with the food that I stuff my face with, but to hell with it, all that food is so good and I only eat like that when I'm there! Corn dogs and giant doughnuts!!!! how can I resist!??!
I emailed my doctor about horseback riding and I know I should have done that before hand but I don't think it will stop me even if he says it's not the greatest idea because I absolutely love it and am most happy sitting on horseback, so why ruin my happiness because it might cause something to happen. I only am able to live once, and I am going to live that once with as much happiness in my heart as I am able too.
I don't have another doctors appointment for my hip until July 28th, which is when I will find out about my MRI results. I think it's bullshit that I have to wait so long, and I get that I took forever to call but if they know that I have test results waiting they should either post them on the net like they do the rest of my results or they should get me in sooner then almost 2 months after I have the damn test. I would like to know what is going on inside my hip and what the next steps are going to be if there are any. He was saying he wanted to avoid surgery as much as possible, so that is always refreshing to hear, but at the same time it is disheartening because it's almost as if they have nothing left to do for me except MRI's every once in awhile. So frustrating! Ok time to go change my brakes and ride my horse!

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