Monday, June 7, 2010

the blog site went down :((

That's why I have been MIA, but here I am!! Back in full force hahahaa!
So let's see, my hip has been HORRIBLE since I had the MRI on Thursday. It feels like it's constantly pinching and lately I have been getting a really sharp pain in my butt cheek, and it happens when I am laying on my stomach. Anyone else have this? This is definitely a new pain that I have never experienced before...kinda weird. I'm debating on whether I should go into the doc or not. I don't know if it's because of the injections or because I have been beyond sedentary for so long (three weeks and counting). The pounds I have fought so hard to shed are coming back with a venegance and I can't fucking take it anymore. I need to get off my ass and get moving, stop making all these lame and stupid excuses and just fucking do it. I need someone to hold me accountable, so maybe I'll start adding my weight loss adventure into this blog. I don't know how many people really read it, but at least I'll feel like I'm accountable to someone, to a group of people, who only expect the best of me... or maybe you expect nothing of me... well then I'll just pretend you expect everything out of me and I will work my hardest to appease you all!!
Ok so onto the walk on Saturday... it went soooo good. The AF really did an amazing job at this! I wish I could have raised more money, but I still have people donating even after the fact so that is awesome! I walked 1.55 miles before my poor dog was sounding like a steam train from panting so hard and my hip said NO MORE! Note to self: DO NOT get injections in your joint before you have to do a walk! worst idea EVER! I definitely didn't think the pain was going to hold on that long, but it did and boy did I pay for it. I slept most of Saturday after the walk because of the pain I was feeling. Next year I'll hit the three mile mark! I'm going to try to hike this weekend just to remind myself how strong my body and my spirit are. I think it's just what I need because sometimes I forget what I am capable of. I just hope the heat goes away so I'm able too, because the last thing I'm doing is a 7 mile hike in the thank you!!
I've been incredibly tired lately and I'm not 100% sure why. I'm guessing it's from the pain or just joint exhaustion because that's what it feels like. My hip just says no more and then all of my body says no more and the next thing I know I have spent the entire day on the couch doing absolutely nothing.... are you fucking kidding me?! I need to knock this shit off, it's unacceptable!!
Friday the San Diego County Fair starts, which by the way is one of my favorite things EVER! I cannot wait to go! Hopefully the pinchy pain will be gone by then, but it doesn't matter because its THE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!
ok time to sleep, big day playing with horses tomorrow!

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